We are a team of creators and innovators.

Our focus
SpazioDati works on collecting, matching, linking, analyzing, making sense of and visualizing in an effective manner massive amounts of corporate data to provide services of Sales Intelligence, Lead Generation, Portfolio analysis, and more. We apply Semantic Text Analysis and Machine learning models to extract insights from the data and create value for our customers. Our main product, Atoka, is currently used by thousands of small and big companies in Italy and abroad, and we plan on expanding to new horizons soon.
Our headquarters are in Trento, in the beautiful area designed by Renzo Piano.
Our second office is in Pisa, Tuscany, inside Polo Tecnologico Navacchio.

A Cerved Company since 2018

For more than 40 years, Cerved Group has been helping companies, banks and financial institutions to minimize risk and grow in a sustainable way.
With its one-of-a-kind data-driven approach, Cerved offers services, digital platforms and consultancy to assist them in handling risk and growth.
Moreover, with Cerved Credit Management Group it helps the system to dispose of impaired loans, while with Cerved Rating Agency it offers creditworthiness and debt issues assessments.